Monday, November 2, 2020

How to play bacon

 Bacon can be a game played in schools and with your friends. 

You can play bacon for as long as you want. Steal the bacon you have to have 6 or more players. 


6 or more players 

an object for the middle 

and a person counting the scores 


you have to have even teams. 

Honesty: where the object was dropped or put down stop when you get tagged AND ENJOY. 


The ref or teacher will give each side the same number on either side of the court so when your number is called for you to run and get the object. 

When the numbers are called the two people will run/race to get the object in the middle of the court. When someone picks it up then the other person will chase the other person and tag them before they get back to their line and score a point for the team. If you don't make it back and got tagged they go back and wait for the next number to be called. 

At the end of the game, the person counting the scores will tell you who won the game. 

Always be honest where you got tagged and carefully put the object down so you are not cheating the object should NEVER be kicked closer to anyone line 

We had to pick a game or sport to teach someone about it or how to play and I choose to do bacon but this game doesn't tickle my fancy but some other people do.  

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