Thursday, June 11, 2020

water waste

Water Waste- How it is affecting us  

Water is important for the world, it is the main part for us humans.  70% of the world is salt water from the sea. And 5% of its freshwater. 
You find water waste at  a factory all over the world to be changed into freshwater or spring water to be put into bottles and to go to peoples houses through the pipes so they can have a glass of water and a clean shower so you're not showering in somebody else's silver from their teeth.

  In the cycle the water turns to vapor when the sun hits it it makes cloud that's how some freshwater gets to us we rely on water every day if you want water in the world slow down on waiting it and more of using it in cooking you use it when brushing your teeth you need it getting clean is there for us  not their to waste. 

And also in climate change places get no rain and the rivers dry up like auckland they are not getting enough rain so they are low on water not like the west coast we are getting a lot of rain most of the time the water is polluted by cows of road run of its killing out water cycle if you want water to whatever you can to save it like don't leave the tap on while brushing your teeth and dont spend 1 hour in the shower.
So do anything you can to save water or slow down with the waste.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

I am poem

I am big baseball
I am climbing big tall trees
I am boat cruising on the sea
I am showering nice and warm
I am reading my nanas a good reader
I am food I love food
I am photographs taking heaps of photos
I am prancing dolphins jumping 
I am showing how to mow
I am adrenaline for hard injections

Tuesday, June 2, 2020


True or False
The Pleiades are a constellation

True or False
The pleiades  come out all year

True or False
Pleiades are called Subaru in Japanese

True or False
In a camera you can see more than 7 sisters

True or false
There are only one myth on the pleiades

True or False
Some people can on only see 6 star with there eyes

True or False
One of the sisters died

2019/2020 poem

My poppas boat my body is afloat 
My bed my blanket is red 
my climbing my rhyming 
my singing my dancing 
my screaming my yelling 
my showing my mowing 
my adrenaline  my medicine 
my dolphins prancing my friends are dancing
my cooking my doing 
my pan my ran 
my showering my water is powering 
my photographs my doctor laughs 
my baking my playing 
my eating my cleaning 
my food my little dude 
my nanas reading my knee is bleeding 
my cake my bake 
my dad said my poppas red 
my bat my cat 
my pot my rot