Tuesday, December 15, 2020



Today we had to do a task on the summer learning journey and this one was fun I drew one and did one on google drawing and I recommend you to the summer learning journey and we had to pick a color to describe the summer and It would be cool if everyone tried it. 

Monday, December 14, 2020

What really happened???


Today for the summer learning challenge and we had to do a few tasks and screenshot them and put on your blog about what you think these men were saying because we had to watch a short clip. But until he found out the real truth he was horrified and the truth was when he bent over the boat his teeth fell out because someone cast a spell on him.  

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Lady combing her hair

Original piece 

My Artwork 

Before and after Artwork I love mine so much. 

Storyboard that


A couple days ago we had to do a storyboard on a picture book and I did a little red riding hood and now I did a random on and moving and talking I was just having play on a story and the slide above this what I did.  

Hottest and Coldest


We had to research about the hottest and coldest country and the hottest is Djibouti and the coldest is Antarctica hope you like my research and leave me some great feedback on what I could improve on my blog posts. 

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Auckland Water Restrictions


On Monday we had to do a whole recap on the new quiz and I choose the Auckland water restrictions and I did not think it was that bad until I researched it.  

Monday, December 7, 2020

Little red riding hood comic


For the last week or two we had to do a comic on a picture book and I choose to do little red riding hood and this is how it turned out I used storyboard and that was easy to use and if you have a chance try the 14-day trial and it will expiry but it will be worth the 14-day trail. 

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Frontline cop cars


Today in our quiz we got to pick a topic and  I picked the frontline cop car and they sell them off after 6 or 7 years or 120,000 kms and as I said they are going on the roads in April next year to be a proper cop car and it will give them time to put the stickers on.